At my baptism, I shared how God has worked in my life, and how He continues to work to this very day. I was baptized as an infant in the Catholic church and had some early religious upbringing. I always knew of God and cannot remember a time without this faith. However, I took it for granted. I did not live my life in relationship with Christ; rather I lived in utter disobedience. I was a sinner, and while a sin is a sin, I counted many of mine as absolutely unforgiveable. I never humbled myself to even ask for forgiveness. I just kept living my wild life. I would cry out to him for help when I was in dire straits, and despite my sinful ways …. he would rescue me. Time and time again.
Was I grateful? Yes. Did I change my ways? No. I just went on living my life, my way.
Fast forward to November 2023 when my only son died suddenly. When I learned of his passing, I cried out to Jesus “How am I going to survive this?” And as I questioned if I could even go on … Jesus spoke to me. He said, “Seek me. I am your comfort. I am here, as I’ve always been. With me you will survive this.” …. and in that very moment I surrendered my life to Jesus.
A Christian friend suggested I go to The Orchard, and I got connected to LIFE Groups and GriefShare. I am now learning how to actively walk with Christ. Not only is Jesus my comfort through my grief, but he is with me every moment of every day. I am committed to live my life to honor him, learning and doing what he wants of me.
Praise the Lord! He has saved me and cleansed me by his sacrifice on the cross. Hebrews 10:22 says “Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.” Today I want to publicly confess that I know Jesus Christ to be my Lord and Savior, and in my decision to be baptized, I am choosing to be obedient to Christ.
To glorify God by growing in faith, hope, and love, through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Imagined and executed by RivalMind.