Develop deep relationships, and grow with a small group of people. Our desire is to see everyone involved in a LIFE Group – they meet regularly throughout the year in various locations, sizes and forms.
LIFE Groups are the small group ministry at The Orchard that seeks to share in the life of Christ together by participating in LIFE together. LIFE Groups are made up of individuals who meet regularly to study the Bible. Our desire is to see everyone involved in a LIFE Group, especially those who are members of our church family. The word “LIFE” denotes two things: first, it speaks to what we hope is shared in Jesus individually, and as a group, as we walk together in our pursuit of being more like Christ; and second, it is an acronym:
L Leader
I Intercessory Prayer
F Fellowship Around the Word
E Encouragement and Care
When able, groups meet in person at church, someone’s home or a restaurant. Some groups even meet exclusively online using Zoom or Skype. Contact the group leader for more information.
Some groups meet weekly, some meet biweekly and some spend a lot of time together!
It’s helpful to do some leg work before you join a group to make sure it’s the best fit for you. Talk with your pastor about what you’re looking for, and make sure to connect with the leader to ask questions about the group dynamics before getting involved. In the end, it’s okay if you don’t click - you can try out several before making a commitment.
Don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help.
To glorify God by growing in faith, hope, and love, through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Imagined and executed by RivalMind.