Seniors Ministry in Barrington


A Gospel-Centered Ministry for Age 55+

Growing your life in Christ never stops! Strengthen your faith and enjoy meaningful community around God's Word!

Faith for Life

First and third tUEsdays, 12:00 - 2:00 pm

October - May, room 104

We are a group of seasoned servants who meet to encourage one another with fellowship in the Word, worship songs and prayer.

Join a seniors LIFE Group!


Arthur Kok

upcoming events

The Orchard Young Adults Gathering, Young Adults, Orchard Young Adults, Membership, Membership Class, The Orchard Young Adults, Womens, Women’s LIFE Groups, Womens Event, Womens Book Discussion, Baptism, Pray First, Grief Share, GriefShare, Womens Indoor Pickle Ball, AH-Womens, AH – Adults, AH Women, Arlington Heights, Awana, Back to School, Awana Volunteers, Mens Retreat, Mens, Men, Women, Café Mom, Cafe, Mom, Moms, LIFE Group, Life Group, Kids, Pickleball, Mens Breakfast, Child Dedications, Children, Youth, Teens, Child dedications, Friday Forum, Friday, Forums, Membership Meetings, Membership, Students, Picnic, Church Picnic, Caroling, Concerts, Christmas, Easter, Fall Kick-Off, Back to School, summer, fall, winter, spring, fellowship

Have a question about Senior Ministries at The Orchard?

Don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help.

AH Senior Ministry Contact

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