I have been blessed with strength and good health for most of my life but recently, my doctor referred me to a surgeon who recommended that I have surgery as soon as possible. I found myself facing a daunting procedure. I prayed that God would give me courage and discernment to make the right decisions. Today I thank God for leading me to attend a Women's LIFE Group when I first came to The Orchard. We meet once a week to spend time in the Word, discuss the sermon, offer prayer requests, and encourage and pray for each other. The women in my LIFE Group listened patiently to my concerns, "Would the surgery go well and be successful? Who would be with me and help me as I recovered at home? How would I navigate the stairs in my house? Would I be leaving the hospital to go home on the day of surgery?"
God richly blessed me through the prayers and efforts of these faithful friends and sisters in Christ. They prayed for me, texted, phoned, offered to make meals, drive me to appointments, came to visit and bring lunch, sent books to read and even offered a day of their time. They took on my cares and anxieties and gave me a sense of peace during a difficult time. I'm reminded of the verse Matthew 25:36, "I was sick and you visited me..."
To glorify God by growing in faith, hope, and love, through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Imagined and executed by RivalMind.