We've created a safe and caring environment for your children. Every volunteer is screened, and our secure children’s area is limited to children, their families, and approved volunteers. And as your children experience various milestones, it's our joy to celebrate them through child dedications, Bible presentations, and 5th grade graduation.
Stop by our Welcome Center. We’d love to meet you.
Note: All children (with exception of infants/nursery) should check in at the kiosk then proceed to the sanctuary for the service. They will be dismissed following the announcements to Room 102.
New to Orchard Kids? Let us know you're coming!
Awana is a ministry committed to reaching children 3-years-old to 5th with the gospel of Jesus Christ and training them to serve Him. Awana is a place where children can play games, memorize Bible verses, earn prizes, and learn about God. We meet during the school year, September - April.
The Orchard Young Adults Gathering, Young Adults, Orchard Young Adults, Membership, Membership Class, The Orchard Young Adults, Womens, Women’s LIFE Groups, Womens Event, Student Ministries, Youth Group, Awana Volunteers, GriefShare, Pray First, Child Dedication, Baptisms, Baptism, Baby, Children, Friday Forum, Students, Youth, Awana, Men, Mens, Mens Breakfast, Café Mom, Moms, Café The Orchard Itasca, Itasca, At the Table, Table, Faith for Life, Church Family Night, Family, Picnic, Church Picnic, Trunk or Treat, Christmas, Easter, Fall Kick-Off, Membership Meetings, Membership, summer, fall, winter, spring
We celebrate when believing parents make a commitment to teach, train, and model godliness to a child - making a public pledge before God and our church family. Please complete a Child Dedication Request Form if you would like your child to be dedicated.
Child Dedication usually takes place twice a year. One of the child's parents must be a member in order for their child to be dedicated at The Orchard.
We use the Gospel Project's online curriculum to allow children to grow in their understanding of the Bible at home throughout the week. You can find resources here:
To learn more about our children's ministry, contact:
KARI Alvarado, Children's Ministry Coordinator
As you come to The Orchard, be assured that your children's safety is a priority. All volunteers are background checked, screened, and trained. Before entering Orchard Kids, parents are required to check in at one of our kiosks to receive a child check-in nametag and a classroom ticket to give to their teacher. Parents will receive a text message with their child’s pick-up claim tag. The parent number used for check in is printed on your child’s name tag. If the teacher needs to reach you, they'll text using that number. Visitors are always welcome and can go to the Orchard Kids Welcome Desk to check in and obtain a temporary name tag.
We use the same system as the local public schools to determine which classroom is the most appropriate for your child—with a September 1 cut-off date.
If we need to get in touch with you during the service, we will send a text to the phone number you used for check-in, with your child’s room number.
If your child has a severe food allergy, please let us know when you sign in or on the registration card so we are aware of the specific allergy and its severity. Additionally, we try to stay away from serving nuts and other common food allergens.
Yes, we encourage families to worship together! It’s okay if your kids are a little squirmy. Check out our Kids Korner at the back of the sanctuary where we provide kids' bulletins, Bibles and crayons. We also have a Family Room located on the lower level where you can watch the service and worship with your little ones.
Whether you are here for the first time or have attended for years, all parents are asked to show their child’s ticket (given at check in) when picking up children, infants to second grade. Third through fifth grade are allowed to leave their classrooms upon dismissal, so please set up a family meeting spot.
Don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help.
Thank you for contacting us.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
To glorify God by growing in faith, hope, and love, through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Imagined and executed by RivalMind.